

Do you like butter?  

As a child, with my friends, we would gather Dandelions. Ask each other if we liked butter and then proceed to rub a dandelion on your friend's forearm. The petals of the dandelion would leave a yellow line on your arm.

Dandelions in some folklore and myths are associated with some amazing Goddesses.  The Goddess Aphrodite has a connection with bees and is associated with Dandelions.  The Goddess Hecate has an association with Dandelions due to being the Goddess of the underworld and dandelions are associated with the underworld.

The amazing thing about Dandelions is that they can grow anywhere. I have seen dandelions pop through a small crack in asphalt and grow. The roots of the dandelion spread out in the soil and get up to an inch thick in diameter. Dandelion roots aerate the ground making it possible for other plants and grasses to grow.

Dandelions are one of the first plants of spring. They grow from Spring to Autumn. 

They also transform from yellow to the miracle white seeds that can gently float in the air. The seeds that you can make a wish on.

Dandelions are great to use in your magical practice. They work as a great substitute for Mandrake. As the Dandelion roots are similar to mandrake roots.

Harvest and dry dandelions this year. They are a great addition to botanical collections and can be used in many different spells.


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